The University is obliged to follow the organizing law of governmental universities that entails limited election of the governing body by supreme Committee chosen by the University Council. Assiut University and by low allows its student to elect student union in each facility that is in turn elect the university student board and head.
The governor of Assiut State is a member in the university council similarly, the corresponding head of syndicates are members in the board of corresponding faculties as representatives of stakeholders in the governing board of the faculties and university.
As a governmental body The Department of Central Observation of Governmental Work is continuously monitoring the finance of the university and the university itself has its own policy (published in Arabic) to self-monitor its staff and financial system and yearly publish its financial data.
Assiut University gave her staff priorities for research on which the university itself funds, but the staff and students have to produce any other type of research after having the pertained institutional board approval. NO special policy declared for public or political speech. 
Our university is in a continuous work with the government either on national or local level. It provides free and payed on-job-advice and technical support to the government in all aspects. The state usually depends on the university staff as consultants in putting policies for projects and initiatives to develop Assiut governorate, they provide agricultural, engineering, medical, educational, veterinary and financial consultancies. Moreover, Assiut University got a lot of funded projects from the National and International bodies for building its capacity and develop the quality assurance of its management.

The University's Students' Union recognition
The University's policies to engage with local stakeholders
The University's publication of its legal principles and commitments
The University's supporting academic freedom policy
The University's financial data
The University's expert guidance offered to the government
Elected representation on the university's highest governing
The University's principles and commitments on organized crime, corruption & bribery
The University's provide outreach, general education, upskilling and capacity-building to policy- and law-makers on relevant topics
The University's undertake policy-focused research in collaboration with government departments
The University's neutral platform and "safe" space for different political stakeholders to come together to frankly discuss challenges
تقدير اتحاد طلاب الجامعة.
سياسات الجامعة للتعامل مع الجهات المعنية المحلية.
نشر الجامعة لمبادئها والتزاماتها القانونية.
سياسة الجامعة الداعمة للحرية الأكاديمية.
البيانات المالية للجامعة.
إرشادات خبراء الجامعة المقدمة للحكومة.
التمثيل المنتخب في أعلى ادارة في الجامعة.
مبادئ الجامعة والتزاماتها بشأن الفساد والرشوة.
توفر الجامعة التوعية والتعليم العام ورفع المهارات وبناء القدرات لصانعي السياسات والنواب بشأن الموضوعات الهامة.
تجري الجامعة أبحاثًا تركز على السياسات بالتعاون مع الإدارات الحكومية.
منصة الجامعة المحايدة والمساحة "الآمنة" لمختلف الجهات المعنيبة السياسية للالتقاء لمناقشة التحديات بصدق.