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Simulating the Nonlinear Propagation Effects in Biological Materials Using Westervelt Equation

Research Authors
Esraa S Rabie1*, Galal S. Hassan1 , M. G. S. Ali 2
Research Abstract

Numerical simulations of the nonlinear acoustic waves for medical applications are performed by using Westervelt equation. In this paper, FDTD has been introduced to solve Westervelt equation. Nonlinear propagation scheme is applied on different biological media where a 1 kpa transducer pressure wave of 1 MHz and interactions with tissues are analyzed. Our results show the importance of considering nonlinear interactions in understanding the behavior of sound waves in biological tissues

Research Date
Research Department
Research Journal
Assiut University Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research (AUNJMSR)
Research Member
Research Publisher
Assiut University Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research (AUNJMSR)
Research Vol
Research Year
Research Pages
190- 198