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Quantum correlations of two qubits beyond entanglement in two lossy cavities linked by a waveguide

Research Authors
A .-B.A . Mohamed
H.A. Hessian
H. Eleuch
Research Abstract

We explore the quantum correlations (QCs) of two non-interacting two-level systems (qubits). Each qubit is embedded in an open cavity, the cavities are linked by an optical fiber and leak photons to the exter- nal environment. The quantum correlations are investigated via three different quantifiers (measurement- induced nonlocality, geometric quantum discord and negativity) under the effects of the coupling of the qubit-cavity and the fiber-cavity interactions as well as the cavity dissipations. It is found that the gen- eration of QCs and their sudden birth and death phenomena, depend not only on the qubit-cavity and fiber-cavity couplings, but also on the initial states. The robustness of the QCs against the cavity dissi- pations can be enhanced in the regime of the ultra-strong cavity-fiber coupling. We convey that it is possible to control the quantum correlations, as well as to reduce the effect of cavity dissipation.

Research Department
Research Journal
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
Research Publisher
Science direct
Research Rank
Research Vol
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Research Year
Research Pages