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Why Faculty of Medicine at AUN ?

Faculty of Medicine at Assiut University stands out as a leading establishment for medical education in Upper Egypt.

Our teaching staff are specialized in their fields and are active researchers, therefore, We Prepare generations of Doctors in scientific research and educational research.

AUN has a wide number of Medical research-rated academics.

Dean of medicine

Dean of Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Assiut is committed to training competent physicians who are capable of learning and enhancing the medical system in our country, and who are able to compete in the local and regional market. Furthermore, the faculty is committed to contribute in  the improvement of scientific research, the improvement of the medical profession, and the provision of satisfactory health services to the community within the framework of the ethics and values ​​of profession.

Prof. Alaa Mohamed Ahmed Attia

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.

Faculty Administration