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Center announces psychological counseling and educational Assiut University Faculty of Education All courses are grouped with discounted certification deliberate

Center announces psychological counseling and educational Assiut University Faculty of Education All courses are grouped with discounted certification deliberate Consolidated courses 1 IQ tests (Stanford aware - and Kessler)   Preparation guide myself Take 15 days to 500 pounds 2 - addresses Unite Planning programs for the mentally disabled Disorders and behavioral problems Early intervention with mentally handicapped Portage take 15 days 1000 pounds   Conversational Learning difficulties (read, write - account - pronunciation) Take 15 days to 500 pounds Projective tests (Nat - CAT - Rochakh) takes 6 days 500 pounds Statistical methods( spss ) Path analysis ibm spss Amosv20 takes 6 days 350 pounds Coaching mental and emotional Capacity development of children mental and emotional The development of psychological and educational skills 10day to 500 pounds