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The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on 05/03/2014 AD to register your research topic researcher / Abdalwasa Ahmed Hadi (Yemeni) restricted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education (curricula and methods of teaching scien

The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on 05/03/2014 AD to register your research topic researcher / Abd alwasa Ahmed Hadi ( Yemeni ) restricted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education ( curricula and methods of teaching science ) entitled (the effectiveness of using the default factory in the development of the performing skills laboratory and imaginative thinking and to correct misperceptions of the concepts of physical education of students at the University College of argument Yemen ) Committee consists of supervision 1 - a . D . Omar Sayed Khalil Professor of curriculum and methods of teaching science emeritus at the Faculty of Education, Assiut 2 - a . D . Mr. Shehata Mohammed Professor of curriculum and teaching methods of science emeritus at the Faculty of Education, Assiut