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The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on 05/03/2014 AD to register your research topic researcher / Ahmed Ahmed Ahmed El Sayed restricted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

The approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction on 05/03/2014 AD on registration research topic Special Investigator / Ahmed Ahmed Ahmed El Sayed restricted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education ( curriculum and methods of teaching Arabic and Islamic Studies ) entitled ( the effectiveness of a program based on the life skills in language teaching Arabic language in the development of performance and the ability to take responsibility towards my students learning the initial stages ) Committee consists of supervision 1 - a . D . Ahmed Sayed Mohamed Ibrahim Professor of curriculum and methods of teaching the Arabic language and the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Assiut 2 - a . Dr. Abdul Mahmoud Mokhtar livelihood Professor of curriculum and methods of teaching the Arabic language and Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs , Faculty of Education, Assiut