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Graphic Processors to produce the Consecutive Images in the Newspapers by Applying on “Hadith Al-Sewar” in the Egyptian Al-Ahram Newspaper

Research Date
Research Department
Research Authors
Rehab Aldakhly Mohammed
Research Publisher
المجلة المصرية لبحوث الإعلام كلية الإعلام – جامعة القاهرة
Research Rank
ISSN: 1110-5836
Research Year
Research Abstract

    The study focuses on monitoring, describing and analyzing the graphics processors to produce the consecutive images in the newspapers to recognize how to benefit from the data and techniques of the digital technology, which is reflected on the consecutive images. The study bases on the survey methodology. The quantitative and qualitative analysis tool was used for analyzing 161 topics of “Hadith Al-Sewar” in Al-Ahram newspaper. They included 691 photographical materials, that  are collected for 6 months by a comprehensive inventory method on all Al-Ahram newspapers, which are published from 01/07/2016 to 31/12/2016. The results showed that the use of the graphic programs in the production of the consecutive images of the press which are represented in “ Hadith Al-Sewar” in Al-Ahram newspaper was weak despite the great technological advance in the field of computer graphic programs, which created horizons for creativity. Graphics design depends in producing the consecutive images on two-dimensional design programs to create the technical processing on the image. “Hadith Al-Sewar” did not use 3D designs, although they are important in the design of the informational illustrative images. The design of “ Hadith al-Sewar” is characterized with the stability of some graphical processors with some minor modifications , which reflects the lack of the visual attraction. The study found that the art subjects occupied the first rank, with 24 % of the total subjects of “Hadith Al-Sewar” , followed by the social , cultural and tourism subjects. The study concluded that there is a correlation between the subject of “ Hadith Al-Sewar” and the type of the photographic materials composing it, as well as the existence of a correlation between the subject of “ Hadith Al-Sewar” and the type of the photographic material in terms of content or significance. The study also concluded that there is no correlation between the subject of “ Hadeth Al-Sewar” and the forms of the photographic materials and the existence of a correlation with a statistical significance between the subject of “ Hadith Al-Sewar” and the method of organizing the images.